Value voucher
During the further order process we offer you the option to add a "high quality gift voucher" to your booking. It will be sent to you by post for an additional charge of € 3. Please enter a delivery address in the field "Your message".
From € 20.00 to € 120.00.
- Racetrack Training
- Offroad Training
- Dynamic Training
- Race Taxi
You will receive the voucher as a PDF file directly after booking and can print it out easily. You are also welcome to select the additional product "Send high-quality gift voucher by post" during the course of the booking, then you will receive a high-quality voucher by post. In this case please enter the address in the field "Your Message:" to which the voucher should be sent. (If the voucher is redeemed, no remaining payment is possible || Please enter the name of the person you wish to give the gift voucher to in the "To:" field).
- Redeemable for various driving trainings
- Ideal gift idea
- Bilster Berg - one of the most demanding Racetracks in Europe with the highest safety standards